Getting started

Creating a new gem

The easiest way to create a new gem is to use the bundle gem command. This will scaffold a new Rust gem using rb-sys and magnus.

  1. Install a Rust toolchain (if needed)

    $ curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh
  2. Upgrade RubyGems and Bundler

    $ gem update --system
  3. Scaffold a new gem with a Rust extension

    $ bundle gem --ext=rust my_gem_name

This will create a new gem in the my_gem_name directory. Firstly, open up my_gem_name.gemspec in your text editor and make sure you update all fields that contain TODO. Inside the directly, you should now have a fully working Rust gem.

💡 Tip: Join the Slack channel to ask questions and get help from the community!

Building the gem and running tests

The default Rake task is configured to compile the Rust code and run tests. Simply run:

$ bundle exec rake

At this point you should start reading the docs for magnus to get familiar with the API. It is design to be a safe and idiomatic wrapper around the Ruby C API.

Next steps